Located in Sundbyberg, Sweden, SiATM was established in 1981. The company was founded by highly skilled personnel from the Swedish ATM industry with extensive experience in the area of Air Traffic Control. SiATM staff’s experience stems from participation in the development of the highly sophisticated ATCAS and TERCAS systems.  Made in Sweden at the end of the 1970′s, the systems were installed both domestically and in Russia.

From the beginning, SiATM has focused on ATM activities. Over the years, the company expanded from solely ATM consultant projects to upgrades of existing systems, to the development of a newly designed ATM line. SiATM’s products range from operational ATC systems to scalable training systems for aerodrome, approach and area control training.



SiATMSys supports Air Traffic Control operations for En-route (ACC), Approach (APP) and Tower (TWR) control. SiATMSys, launched in 1999, and has been incrementally upgraded with functionality in conformity with the Single European Sky ATM Research (SESAR) program.

  • SiATMSys has been designed as, and proven to be:

  • Flexible and configurable for most sizes of ATC systems;

  • Easily expandable in size and functionality;

  • Redundant in hardware and software;

  • Life-cycle cost effective.

SiATMSys includes the all the most state-of-the-art functionalities of ATM system, such as :

  • Radar data processing with true multi sensor tracking;

  • Fusion of wide area MLAT and ADS-B data with radar data;

  • Fully automatic flight plan data processing with route analysis and trajectory prediction;

  • Paperless controller HMI;

  • On Line Data Interchange (OLDI);

  • Recording and playback;

  • System monitoring and control with SNMP;

  • Medium term conflict detection (MTCD);

  • Integrated Arrival manager (AMAN);

  • Safety nets, with Short Term Conflict Alert (STCA), Minimum Safe Altitude Warning (MSAW), Area Proximity Warning (APW) and Approach Path Monitoring (APM);

  • Monitoring aids with conformance monitoring and reminder handling;


 SiATCSim includes two main segments: the simulator segment, which is the same for all implementations, and the operational segment, which provides the trainee environment as required by individual customers. The concept allows for independent execution of parallel exercises in the same or in different airspaces.

The SiATCSim allows training of any type of ATC operators (radar, procedural, assistant) in any kind of environment: Tower (including 3D simulations), APP, ACC.

3.      ATC  Advanced Surveillance Movement, Guidance & Control System

Si A-SMGCS (Advanced Surface Movement Guidance and Control System) supports Air Navigation Service Providers with its safe and efficient airport control service. The system can be integrated into most tower environments. Si A-SMGCS provides Level 1 functionalities,  where non-cooperative (e.g. Surface Movement Radar) and cooperative (e.g. Multilateration) surface surveillance is fused to system tracks and presented for air traffic controllers and/or airport operators on an Air/Ground situational display, and Level 2 functionalities, where  additional safety nets for monitoring and control functions are used to alert the controller when runway incursions or area intrusions occur in the airport maneuvering area.

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