Value Services S.p.a. is a service company that was established in 1986 within the Olivetti Group; Since 1998 began to work, always in the field of grant awards, independently, providing specialized assistance to companies of various sizes throughout the national territory.

In its 24 year history has enabled more than 400 client companies to obtain financing approved by the ministries and the regions with a total value of more than 3 billion euros in costs.

Thanks to its team of experts, Value Services provides ongoing support, and the search for the most suitable financial product to the proper preparation of the application in its technical components and administrative management of the assessment and approval, until the final delivery of funds.

They are part of the family also Value Value Services Training & Solutions Ltd, which is responsible for training in the field of finance and facilitated Qualitekna Ltd., specializing in consulting and development of integrated projects between business and innovative technologies.

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